Monday, January 9, 2012

Quote of the Day

photo copyright of redoryon, found here.


For my birthday almost a year ago, a co-worker gave me a "gift book" for my desk from Hallmark containing various quotes from different people.  Unknown to her at the time, I was in the middle of trying to decide to quit my job and go to pastry school.  As I flipped through it, the above quote struck a chord with me.  I loved making desserts.  Absolutely loved it.  Something about the precise production of a creative dessert made me happy.  Perhaps it was the opportunity to be creative I loved.  Or maybe I loved it because of the affirmation you receive once serving a dessert - the Oohs! and Aahs! were encouraging and made me want to keep baking.  It's were I found my heart to be at that particular time and this quote told me it was time to start doing exactly that.

I have exactly three months of school left before I begin my externship and today was the first day back after winter vacation.  It felt great to be in class again, to know that I would be learning more about the thing I most want to do.  Furthermore, Chef went off into these huge tangents today in class which were actually very inspiring.  She told us how the industry has evolved and what to expect once we get out there - tons of "words of advice" that I truly appreciated and needed. 

Just this morning I woke up feeling scared about where life may be taking me (especially since I don't really know yet), but now I'm feeling a little excited.

So, remember to "do what you love, because it's what you were meant to do".

1 comment:

Elle said...

I am so excited for you, Crystal!! Someday I may come knock on your bakery door and beg you for a job...totally possible ;)