Monday, September 27, 2010


What a ridiculously busy day.  I feel so exhausted that I debated blogging but let's face it, I haven't posted regularly like I should.  Of course, I also assume no one is actually reading this blog yet, so if I don't post, I suppose it's not a big deal.

The weather has been amazing in Texas - high of 78, low of 56 - it's like a summer day in Seattle!  All I have wanted to do is bask in the sun and read but instead, I worked a little yesterday, read in bed & watched Julie & Julia.  It was a great day even without having spent the majority of it outside.

Speaking of Julie & Julia, is Meryl Streep not amazing in that movie?!  I absolutely love her and secretly wish the entire movie focused on her.  Don't get me wrong, I think Amy Adams is great too, but it was the character of Julie that didn't appeal to me.  I found the character to be a little self absorbed, especially standing next to such a supportive and upbeat husband. 

However, I do remember a few things ringing true, especially when Julie said "What does it say about me when I don't like any of my friends?"  High school was definitely like that for me - I was very different from the majority of my friends, but then there's college and you get the opportunity to make all new friends and take control of your future completely. 

Then, FaceBook happened and now everyone's there with a friend request, even people you don't know, and it's hard to click "Ignore" despite your overwhelming desire to.  You just can't seem to find it in yourself to be rude.  But then you end up with 100s of friends, 80% of which you really don't keep in contact with.  Perhaps I should just delete my FaceBook account.  After all, Mark Zuckerberg has made plenty of moola from it, and he will only continue to as he sells our information over & over & over....500 million active users, each one clicking away while ads pop up everywhere, new games are created to consume even more of our time where you herd animals, feed pets, pretend to be a gangster, a pirate, a ninja - Wow, that's mucho dinero.

Wow.  I'm exhausted and rambling.  I deeply apologize readers, but I do hope you're having a great day & that you're enjoying the amazing Fall weather.

xoxo, me

Photo courtesy of Maranatha

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