Friday, November 18, 2011

Movie Rewind: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Hi, my name is Crystal and I've never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's.  Until yesterday.  Sure, I know who Audrey Hepburn is and can vividly recall the famous shot of her exiting the cab in that black dress, pearls and those wide-rimmed sunglasses and walking over to the Tiffany's display window eating a croissant and drinking her coffee.  But I had never seen the movie.  To be honest, I wasn't even completely sure what the movie was about.  So, I finally watched it yesterday.

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a wonderful snapshot of Manhattan in the 60's - the scenery is amazing, the fashion is iconic, but the story is completely implausible.  Holly, as a character, in incredibly flawed - she's extremely naive, a social climber using men of a certain wealth to maintain her lifestyle, and is arguably very selfish having abandoned her family and married life for a Hollywood/Upper East Side lifestyle.  She steals from the Five and Dime, regularly, just to see if she can get away with it and is such a commitment-phobe that she even refuses to name her cat.  All of that aside, you just can't help but love her.  Audrey Hepburn's portrayal of Holly Golightly is so charming that you find yourself looking past the character's flaws and wishing nothing but the best for her, even wishing you were her.

{photo via Pinterest}

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