Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello, Again

It is the first day of March and there are exactly 19 days until Spring begins - what better time to begin anew.  As a new season of my life begins, I sit here trying to refocus my attention to this blog having not succeeded in previous promises and NYE resolutions.

When I first began reading blogs 10 years ago, the content was limited - most blogs were personal diaries or filled with tech-savvy tips from people who lived on the internet (remember Live Journal!).  Then about 3 years ago, they seemed to hit an all-time peak drawing major traffic from stay-at-home moms, DIYers, foodies and shopaholics.  Lifestyle blogs became huge money makers and as a result, many bloggers have been able to work at home focusing entirely on their blogs and creating original content.  Today, there is some argument as to whether or not the sparkle of lifestyle blogs has faded, but I'd like to believe that there will be an ongoing need for them.  Especially original blogs.

After all, it is much easier for someone to search the web for a post on current fashion trends than to go to the market and scour through pages of magazines for the right dress.  Or how about that amazing mac & cheese recipe you found on one of your favorite blogs - imagine searching through recipe books for that and not knowing exactly whether or not it would turn out delicious.  Knowing it was on your favorite blog, and that it was amazing, takes the doubt out of trying and the work out of searching.

And so I begin again.  As an idealist, I always have big dreams for this blog but keeping it real - who knows if I'll be posting past April!  Here's hoping I will stay disciplined and focused and that maybe, just maybe, I can provide enough original content to keep you interested.  As a writer, baker, blogger, accountant, friend, girlfriend & daughter, I hope that my posts will encourage you to try new recipes, listen to new music or embrace different design aesthetics in your wardrobe and home.

Hello, again.

{photo via}

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