Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mid-Term Elections

Just a reminder, but don't forget to vote.  It may be mid-term elections, but these elections are for your representatives which means it's your vote in Congress.

In fact, 61.6% of those eligible to vote, voted in the 2008 Presidential election.  That means 38.4% did not and it was the highest turnout since 1968.  In comparison, 95% of those eligible to vote in Australia cast their ballots.  Of course, they are required to by law and if they don't, are subject to fines or community service.  Furthermore, when compared to other countries who have democratic elections, we are third from last in voter turnout behind India, Germany & the UK.

More often that not, those who do vote, tend to vote during the Presidential election but skip mid-terms decreasing voter turnout by 10 - 15%.  So, get out and VOTE.  You won't die like P. Diddy suggested, but every vote does count.

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