Thursday, October 21, 2010

The New 50

On MSN's homepage today, they featured an article titled "How to Keep the Passion Alive After 50" and featured the above picture.  Is it me, or does their featured couple look more like 70?

Well, I was sure 50 looked a lot different than MSN suggested and so, I googled famous people over 50 and here are the results. The first picture is of Mr. Darcy himself, Colin Firth, who turned 50 this year.  The picture was taken at this year's Oscars, and I must admit, I have a bit of a crush on him.  He's gorgeous, mesmerizing, a fantastic actor and has a British accent.  What do you think - does he look 50?

The second photo is of Patrick Swayze's Baby, Jennifer Grey.  She also turned 50 this year and is looking quite fabulous as one of this year's Dancing With The Stars contestants.  Though she has had a number or surgeries on her nose, she is in excellent shape and makes dancing with 25 year old Derek Hough look effortless.

So, if this is what 50 looks like, then what was MSN thinking?  I will leave you with one last picture and that is of the beautiful Queen of England, Helen Mirren. This year she turned 65 and looks, Incredible.  Seriously, I hope I look as great as her in my 60s.

(Jennifer Grey photo courtesy of DWTS)

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