Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Must-Have Kitchen Items

I love buying new things for the kitchen - absolutely love it. However, I live in a 2-bedroom apartment with a galley kitchen and space is scarce, but I still manage to keep stuffing things into the cupboards. 

Here are 5 of my favorites:

1. Progressive Salad Keeper - If you don't own this, you must buy it now, MUST. I love eating salad but hate the time it takes to wash the veggies & cut them up every day. This salad keeper was the answer - it is my Clark Kent, my Spiderman, my Mario rescuing me from Bowser's dungeon - it is seriously that awesome. Now, I wash all of the lettuce and cut it up and place it in this keeper.  After 2 weeks, the lettuce was still fresh & crisp - how amazing is that?! I've since bought another for carrots & spinach since it does have a nifty divider you place on the inside. This is my absolute favorite kitchen gadget & I will never live without it again. Now, there's never an excuse to eat healthy when a fresh salad is waiting for me in the fridge.

2. Juicer - Lemonade & orange juice are so yummy and when meyer lemons are in season, I can't get enough of them. My boyfriend's parents have a huge tree in their front yard and I pick them like crazy. Then, I get out this trusty juicer and make fresh lemonade - so good. Of course, it works just as well with oranges and when I have company, I love to make them a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice instead of buying the preservative-filled ones at the grocery store.  

3. Molcajete - What can I say, other than salsa time! As a little girl, I loved watching my Mom in the kitchen making salsa & guacamole or grinding up cilantro & garlic to spice up her frijoles a la charra. She used it for almost every meal, and I was thrilled the day she showed me how to grind the veggies & spices up myself and told me of the day my Abuela showed her. Now, the molcajete is a reminder of home, of home-cooked meals, family stories, of comfort & unconditional love and I can't wait to show my little girl how to use it and share our family recipes. 

4. Ice Pop Maker - This item is such a wonderful reminder of summertime and very useful in making fresh popsicles that are high on flavor and low on calories and added sugar. Growing up, we had the Tupperware version of this high-end model. Either or, it's a great way to get your kids in the kitchen and teach them how to turn fresh produce into something delicious and refreshing.

5. Oxo Good Grips Mandoline Slicer - I never thought of using a mandoline until my boyfriend received one two years ago for Christmas, and now, I don't think I could live without it.  It actually took me a year to gather enough courage to use it (I was deathly afraid of slicing off my fingers), but one day, I thought 'Why not?' and got it out. I was making potatoes au gratin and it was amazing. Seriously, it cut the potatoes in thin even slices making the potatoes au gratin look professional. Since then, we've used it for slicing cucumbers & carrots, and for making french fries & potato chips.

Happy Monday!

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