Thursday, October 13, 2011


I just received my new cookbook in the mail, Nancy Silverton's Breads from the La Brea Bakery, and I am so excited to start reading it.  Yes, I am a P&B nerd.  Our chef instructor (who totally rocks and makes class so much fun) loves bread more than anything and said this was her favorite book.  She stayed up all night reading it cover to cover when she got her copy.  So, I am absolutely thrilled to read this and look forward to sharing it with all of you. 

The biggest reason to buy this book according to Chef is that it explains absolutely everything about bread.  The book addresses how to modify the recipe if you're baking at home versus a professional kitchen and she's tested every recipe, not just included them because she needed to fill the pages.  She called flour milling companies and used her own baking experience to provide a book that teaches the ins & outs of bread making (how & why things work or don't work), versus a book filled with recipes and pretty pictures.

I'm so excited, I'm off to read it....!

Baguettes & White Bread made in Class

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