Friday, October 21, 2011

TV Rewind: Felicity

It's been almost a decade since I last watched Felicity, and so much has happened since then that all I can really remember about the show is that everyone went berserk in Hollywood when she chopped off her hair.  In fact, I remember them saying it was the reason for the show's demise and since then studios have written into actors' contracts that they must first consult the shows' producers if they're going to make such a dramatic change in their physical appearance.  The only other thing I remember is that she could never decide between two guys.  I think I was Team Ben then (that smile!).

Since it's now available on Netflix, I decided to re-watch it from the beginning, and Wow, I don't remember it being so heavy this early.  I'm almost done with the first season, but so far we've dealt with excessive gambling, cheating (I definitely didn't remember Jennifer Garner was in it.  And Taraji P. Henson totally makes a camoe!), date rape, plagiarism and alcoholism.  And if you want, you could probably include stalking as well because Felicity would definitely qualify as Ben's stalker today.

I am enjoying it though and look forward to remembering where this goes.  The only other surprising thing is that I did not remember J.J. Abrams being a co-creator of the show. (What do I remember?!  Oh yeah, see the first paragraph again.)  It's weird to think of someone who's created Lost, Cloverfield, and Fringe could have created Felicity.  It just doesn't seem to go together in my head, but then again, it kind of does since Kate could never make up her mind between Sawyer and Jack....

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